Content Creation

Let’s get animated!

It is International Animation day on Sunday 28th October and it’s filled Flourish Towers with a buzz. We’ve been reminiscing about old jobs, sharing animations we love and generally getting excited about the next brief we can suggest animation for.

But here’s the thing about animation – If you can believe it – there are brands out there that can be a little bit…hesitant… when it comes to animation. Sometimes brands feel that they are too serious or ‘grown up’ for what they dismiss as ‘cartoons’. Sometimes it’s the case that the brand guidelines don’t include a section on animation and zealous brand guardians take this to mean that animation is off brand.

But the reality is that with the myriad of styles available, there will always be one that can work for your brand.

In the past we’ve created animations for brands as diverse as Unilever Food Solutions and Suez to The National Lottery, Toolstation and Coca Cola. We’ve even used them to promote our own sports day themed Summer Party.


Here’s 7 reasons we’re celebrating International Animation Day


Let your imagination run wild

Animation allows you to create ANYTHING. Any character in any place doing anything you want. What other medium can say that? You want a cat character in high heels riding a flying carpet through Narnia? You got it! Animation means you can achieve things that you could never afford to film.

Flexible as hell

From lifelike figures to colourful blobs – think of an illustration style and it can be animated. This means that whatever your brand, whatever the product and whoever the audience is, animation HAS to be on the table.


Attention grabbing

Animation is a useful way to grab attention. And keep it. There’s just something about colourful moving images that seem to mesmerise viewers – if the content is interesting.


Simplify complicated ideas

Animation can be a useful tool in simplifying complex ideas or getting across powerful serious messages in a way that doesn’t put people off


Made for digital

Animation could’ve been tailor-made for the digital channels we now have available. Websites, social posts, display ads and email can all be elevated with a little animation. Vectors can be easily animated and keep file sizes down – particularly useful for emails, and banners.



Animation allows you to easily extend a campaign. No more 1 day shoots to get you every single image the brand will ever need! Once a style is set you can easily get additional executions created and even extend it across campaigns until animation becomes your brand – think Red Bull.


It’s fun

Ok, bit of an indulgence this one. We love animation because it’s great fun.


If you get as excited as we do about animation, or would like to chat about how animation could benefit your brand or organisation, drop us a line. Contact Ian Reeves.
