Pass the spot cream. We've hit our teens
13 years ago, while NASA were safely landing the Mars Rover on the red planet, the Olympics were returning to Athens and George W Bush was winning a second term in the White House, three marketers gave birth to a bouncing bundle of joy – Flourish Direct Marketing.
It has to be said, we were a pretentious child. We loved Direct Mail and had ambitions way beyond our size, managing to bag SKY, 1&1 internet and Chelsea Building Society within weeks of opening our doors.
As we got bigger, we’ve had to constantly flex and adapt to a marketing landscape that was changing faster than it had for decades. The prevalence of digital channels meant that we had to embrace completely new ways of working. In doing so we’ve consistently secured big brand clients in the commercial and not-for-profit sectors and continued to grow.
Today we’ve come of age. Direct Marketing is still at the heart of everything we do, but our focus is mainly in the digital sphere. Our approach has matured and our passion is now about understanding and influencing customer journeys; from awareness through to advocacy, and ultimately loyalty.
Supported by pragmatic planning and creative thinking, our client’s enjoy our honest, real world approach to the increasingly multi-channel challenges they face.
We’ve expanded into Australia and the Middle East and like all teenagers feel like we can take on the world.
So please join us in raising a glass to celebrate 13 years of Flourish. We’ll stick to soft drinks, obvs.