Two people sitting on a bench

Flourish appointed as Crisis’ strategic and creative partner

Earlier this year, we were approached by Crisis, the national charity for people experiencing homelessness. They were looking for a strategic and creative partner for their legacy fundraising activities, and kindly asked us to pitch.

We’re extremely lucky to have worked with some of the most wonderful charities in the world, and in the last several years, on a number of high profile legacy campaigns. Needless to say, we didn’t need a second invite to pitch – even if it was over Zoom.

The reason behind the partnership

Crisis works with thousands of people every year, helping them rebuild their lives and leave homelessness behind for good. With the right public and political support, they believe that ‘Together we will end homelessness’.

To help build upon their already successful fundraising activity, they wanted a partner to help create and develop a new legacy marketing strategy. Legacy had been identified as a fundraising stream with potential for significant growth for the charity, but they needed support in unlocking its potential.

Why Flourish?

We’re delighted that Crisis has chosen us as their strategic and creative legacy partner. Thankfully, despite a world pandemic and the inevitable mid-pitch technical glitch, we were able to demonstrate what value we can add, using past examples, present knowledge and future visions.

Why now?

Thanks to legacy gifts from their generous supporters, charities can continue delivering vital services. Crisis is no different in that respect; gifts in Wills enable them to fund their year-round work supporting people who are homeless. So, as the country heads into uncharted economic territory in 2021, it seems a very good time to shore up legacy funding for an unpredictable future.
