Diabetes UK receives a number of legacy gifts every year. These gifts are an important source of funding for the charity, but in virtually all cases, either the legator is completely unknown, or if they are known, the fact they’d named the charity in their Will wasn’t. Diabetes UK wanted help to develop an effective legacy campaign, that helped them identify supporters who had already changed their will and attract new legacy donors.
To develop an effective campaign, we knew we had to identify existing supporters that had a propensity to give or had already remembered Diabetes UK in their Will and not told the charity.
Experience told us that people are quite prepared to talk about their Wills and, if engaged enough, are willing to reveal what they’re planning – all you have to do is ask.
We created a survey pack, mailed to all supporters – with a digital version for those who wanted to respond online. The questions covered multiple areas of the charity’s work from broad awareness of the scale of the issue to what supporters would like to hear more about and what direction supporters thought Diabetes UK’s campaigns should take. In addition, we included two specific questions about legacies, one about likelihood to give and one about which legacy messaging was most appealing.
The answers not only allowed us to identify prospective legacy givers, but also gave us an insight into which messaging resonated best – it also gave us a broader and deeper understanding of the views of engaged Diabetes UK supporters.